
Chess News of the Week - FIDE elections - Karpov versus Ilyumzhinov

Susan Polgar Chess Daily News and Information: FIDE Election Update
The FIDE Secretariat announces that the following Presidential Tickets and Continental Presidents have submitted their candidacies to the FIDE office by 28 June 2010.

Concerning the FIDE elections, the Russian Chess Federation (RCF) informed FIDE on 28 June 2010 that the Supervisory Board of the RCF, during its meeting of 28 June, confirmed the letter of its Chairman Mr Arkady Dvorkovich to FIDE on 21 April, nominating Kirsan Ilyumzhinov as Russia's candidate for the office of FIDE President 2010-2014. Furthermore, the RCF informed FIDE that the letter sent by Mr. Alexander Bakh on 23 June is not valid on nominating a candidacy from the Russian Chess Federation. Attached are all the relevant documents as sent by the RCF.

Interesting that there are only two candidates in this election. Karpov is probably the US favorite, but it seems that Ilyumzhinov has a better chance to win. Karpov having been the world champion would make a very interesting FIDE president.

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